Oh Dear; I saw this play out in reality, but it wasn’t a sleeping bag. It was Toilet Paper 🧻.

KOREA 1990.

I was back in the line at supply.

SGT E5; I need a roll of 🧻 toilet paper.

SUPPLY E6; You’re not authorized to stockpile that at your level.

E5: I don’t want to stockpile it, I want to take a 💩.

ME 2LT; SSG please give the SGT a roll of TP 🧻.

See? I used my 🧈rank for good.

…because sometimes one man can make a difference.

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Geoff Marlow calls this type of person a "resource controller." https://geoffmarlow.substack.com/p/the-seeing-being-trap

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"The physical and psychological distance this creates leads to arms-length control and monitoring that unintentionally but almost always makes it harder to get things done.

People are then forced to resort to what they see as ‘workarounds’ and resource controllers see as ‘non-compliance’."

Yes, that's definitely one of the dynamics at play. I compare it to "seeing like a state." Blankface is a more expansive concept, but a lot of blankfaces are resource controllers.

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I've never worked out whether they train people to fulfill these roles or they recruit for people who already have the talents for such obstructionist work. Within the US, I'm pretty sure that a lot of the pressure on such penny ante items of equipment comes from some congressman who doesn't understand ICBMs, SLBMs, CVEs, etc. but does not about boots (because shoes, right?) and sleeping bags (because they almost went away to an overnight Boy Scouts camp) so they can assert themselves on this.

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The bike shed effect

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"...rules should not change to account for reality, it is reality which must change to conform to rules."

Why, it's none other than today's form of Fascism, the woke narrative as rules.

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Great piece! Thank you for writing it! I can’t remember if I’ve recommended The Systems Bible to you. It’s by John Gall. It’s a little expensive but it’s worth every penny. You’ll love it like.

Also in Atlas Shrugged Dagny is constantly dealing with people who say, “I’m not authorized to do that, I have to ask my supervisor.” Blankfaces were a key element of her dystopian vision.

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I bought it on your recommendation last year. The Systems Bible is a permananent addition to my kit. Great book.

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When I was in the Army we had a term 'rumor regulations'. It went like this.

"Sorry Sir, that's against regulations."

"Cool, regulations are published. Can you please show me?"

"Ummmm, I meant it's against unit policy."

"Sweet, policy letters are also published and are hanging behind you in that folder."

"Sir, we can't do that."

"Let me see your OIC please."

Inevitably there was nothing blocking the request and we'd finally get it approved.

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Many such cases: clerks refusing paperwork that isn't signed in blue ink; memos must be three paragraphs; beards must fully cover cheeks, etc.

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Exactly. Silly silly. things.

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Your convention is not a policy, and policy is a guideline.

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