I hear you. It's the lesser or two evils. These socities know war and death in a way armchair sitting westerners cannot fathom.

Ive fought people to hospitilzation , I've killed hundreds of animals with a knife and a gun, both things are fare beyond the scope of modern man... but nothing could mentally prepare a person for a life like over there.

Some places are indeed hell on earth and we are blessed to not be there.

I'm in the bush in south Africa and it's totally safe compared to many places on the planet.

Thanks for your writing and amazing perspective

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The bush is dangerous but at least it's honest about it.

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I think that we all can have our personal interpretation. Killing humans in the world is just another commodity like so many tones of gunpowder. It is coldly calculated into world strategies without a ripple. (25,000 is nothing.) The only important thing is the window dressing, which went haywire this time. Therefore it is the West that is in crisis. They mouth certain civilized words for centuries, but this time it sticks in their throat.

I think that this may be the first time that martyrs will make a difference. Their lives (and deaths) have world importance. I think this is the first time that thin cover-up words, are just too thin. And they will not make a difference, and might be broken for a long time to come.

With regard to Israelis, I think it is perplexing that 15.7 million people, 0.2% of the total 8 billion can be the center of attention and the center of conflict that is a world concern. You can answer me that if you can.

If you have ever studied about the TALMUD, you'll have no surprises. Just accept it. While it is written for 600 years, it is an oral rabbinical tradition for 3,000 years. It isn't going to be undone, or modified. It is clear that the Oslo peace accords were just another window dressing for western consumption.

You can't know the Talmud unless you read Hebrew. Or someone could read it to you. One person does just that, Israel Shahak. His short book is not a commentary nor analysis. He just straight reads key passages. Is the Talmud anti-Semitic? Of course not; it is Semitic in the full sense of the word. I uploaded my copy here:



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